Building Health Clinic
The Health Care System in Nepal is terribly poor. A handful of hospitals that exist run by the Nepal government is often overcrowded, and many patients are certainly not taken care of. And privately run hospitals are too expensive, and poor villagers cannot afford the fees. Therefore, we would like to help build a small health clinic, as one of our first projects in Swata village hidden in the back Annapurna sanctuary area in the west part of Nepal.
Together We Can Change The World.
Corporate Sponsorship
Why become a corporate partner? We truly believe the life of all children throughout the world is precious, and all youth deserve a chance to thrive and grow up to be productive global citizens. Ulleri Foundation is not only a good global investment, but it is also a great business investment!
Your Donation
Without your contribution, our goal to help Nepal’s mountain villages will be incomplete. Therefore your involvement in our project is vital. Together, as a team, we can slowly uplift the glow of humanity on earth. After all, we live in one world, and to nurture our planet, we must uplift the weak ones.
Helping Villagers
Poverty is rampant, and due to no job opportunities, 98 % of all youth in Nepal leave their ancestral homes to other countries, and to the lack of basic medicine, many of these people living in these remote villages die before even reaching hospitals. We are their ultimate glow of hopes.

Who We Are As A Foundation Uplifting Poor Mountain Villagers
Today if you look around Nepal’s remote areas, many of these poor indigenous people living in the mountain villages suffer due to a lack of basic medicine, and children don’t get to complete even seventh grade of school since their parents are unable to afford school materials. For centuries the government of Nepal has ignored these villagers. Therefore, we have decided to build small clinics in needed areas and help school children with their education.
Our Programs
We are focusing on three important factors in how to better the lives of these underprivileged mountain villagers.
Today if you look deeper into this landlocked country, 98% of all youth born in the remote regions of Nepal will leave villages and ancestral homes to seek opportunities elsewhere in larger cities. Those who are privileged leave the country altogether in search of their better futures. This is creating a devastating loss of culture and irreparable harm to native Nepalese. Poverty is rampant, and there are no job opportunities in the small villages. The state of the Nepal government is also a major factor in the mass exodus of youth. Corruption and incompetence within the country’s bureaucracy is rampant, creating a lack of support for the country’s population, lack of economic opportunity, and lack of basic health care leading to premature death. With your help, we can together help these villagers to uplift humanity.

Our mission is to build health clinics and help with children’s education.
Due to no hospital or clinics in remote mountain villages in Nepal, every day, due to lack of treatments and basic medicine, people suffer throughout the country, therefore, we are here to give them our hands.